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The budget analysis screen lets you analyze your data in different formats, detailed, summarized, by accounts, etc.

There are 4 different reports than can be personnalized.

  • Detailed report by operation
  • Summary report by operation
  • Financial report
  • Cash flow

To launch a report click on .

Detailed Report by Operation

This report prints the details of all operations entered in Budget Express sorted by the type of operation and by the date, for the specified period. The analysis shows, by default, the input and output for the different operations sorted by date. See the Budget Parameters section for more information


Summary Report by Operation

This report prints basic information relating to operations hence it shows the subtotal by sub-categories for the selected period. See the Budget Parameters section for more information.

Financial Report

This report prints your financial statement associated with the active budget by assets (bank accounts and savings) and liabilities (credit cards and loans).

Cash Flow

The cash flow report prints in chart format the cash flow variation for your bank and credit card accounts over the period. Note that the credit balances are shown in negative only in the cash flow graphic.

Analysis Parameters


To change the period taken into account for the report, use the drop-down menu.

Operation Type

The following six flags are used to generate the detailed and summary reports by the operation. They allow you to decide whether or not to print an operation section.

The indicator  means chosen and  means not chosen.


The Comparative indicator lets you decide the contents of the detailed and summary reports by operation by changing the column headers and information. When the flag is set to Yes, the information goes from Entry and Output to Real and Planned.

All Accounts

This section lets you select a specific bank account or credit to use when printing detailed and summary reports by operation, and the cash flow report. All Account is selected by default, but it is possible to generate the reports for a specific account. Only the operations for the account chosen will be displayed.


This indicator lets you select whether to print details from the reconciliation (description) in the detailed report by operation. The parameter “Comparative” has to be set to Yes.

By Sub-Category (Summary by operation report only)

Let you regroup all transaction with the same sub-category. When you have used multiple time the same sub-category, the summary report did not show them as separate operations because they were added that way. Now when you click on “By Sub-category” we will add the amount and calculate the total for the operations.

By Category

This indicator let you analyze and print the detailed and summary reports by operations in order of categories. When the flag is set to No, the report is sorted in order of sub-categories.

Exemple from the summary report:


Click the button  to print the report or generate a PDF version. The Printing action is not available for the cash flow report.